

91天堂 campus update regarding COVID-19.

Image depicting corona virus on a microscopic level

We all want to do our part to keep the community safe.

91天堂 along with Utah System of High Education (USHE) institutions across the state will continue to implement state COVID-19 guidelines (masks, social distancing, limited gatherings, sanitizing, etc.) moving forward into the fall and winter. These guidelines will eventually include student COVID testing, as requested by our Governor to help slow the spread of the virus.

91天堂 County is one of the many counties in the state that is currently in the HIGH transmission category. 91天堂 Tech in coordination with all Utah colleges and universities will be releasing details about weekly testing
for our student body when they become available. Our goal as a higher educational institution is to provide a clean, safe environment for our students to continue to attend class and finish their training.

We are proud of how our students, faculty and staff have followed the COVID-19 guidelines thus far and know that collectively we will continue to do our part to ensure the safety of everyone in our building.